
Movement - Arrow keys or WASD

Interact - Alt, Z, J

Follow - Ctrl, K, X


You are tasked to stop a leak of another world coming into your world. You have to go into that other world, but you will die if you physically exist. You still can be seen, but you cannot be felt. This means you have to control somebody, and in this case, it is a child named Glenn, who is disobedient and has numerous issues with managing his anger. Get him to do tasks, to save the world!

Known issues:

- Glenn's head warps around to the other side. (Engine issue)

- Trash can be... Annoying... Spam A to fix this (Engine or me, I don't know.)

- Some dialog isn't written too well. This is due to a lack of time to really do a great story.

Developer comments:

This game isn't made to focus on game play, as my engine doesn't allow that. I could've done something normal, like a RPG, but I didn't. Hopefully you enjoy this, as this is my first game jam! Have fun :)

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